What is Focus Areas of Green Buildings in Dubai?
The term sustainability has obtained a lot of attention world widely, especially in the UAE cities like Abu Dhabi, Madar City & Dubai for the last 10 years. Sustainable-projects tend to grow interests in every sector of living. So every Government-starts to develop
concepts to minimize all no recycle wastes & conserve-natural-resources. Adu Dhabi’s Pearl Rating System is one of the most worldwide acclaimed Green Building Rating Systems. It has created drastic changes in the Building and Construction business sectors of the Dubai, UAE. Dubai Global Sustainability Assessment System also impacted the globally Green concept of Sustainable Living.
Do you know the construction of any buildings/home directly-impacts the environment and eco system? As the real-estate sector boost far more than before in the Middle-East, LEED Certification is essential for any Building Construction within Dubai, UAE. During the development, demolition or renovation, there is a tonne usage of water & energy, danger gas emissions, & even generates nonrenewable wastes. So, to tackle the present situation & make a sustainable future, there must be a maintained-system to track and enforce appropriate management.
The Dubai Green Building Regulations defines,
“Green-Building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that increase the efficiency of resource use energy, materials & water- while minimizing building impacts on human-health & the environment-during the building’s life cycle, through better siting,-design, construction, operation, maintenance & removal.” (Green Building Regulations & Specifications, DEWA)
2007: Established Dubai Green Building Regulation & Specification
2011: Dubai municipality (DM) made the regulations compulsory for all government sector buildings.
2014: Implementation of strategy & made compulsory regulations for all new buildings in Dubai , UAE.
2016: Upgraded the existed code to a rating-system, Al Safat as a Green Building Ratings System depending on their compliance to sustainability performance.
2020: ‘Al Safat – Dubai Green Building System’ updated to ‘Dubai Green Building Regulations and Specifications.’
“According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the buildings and building construction sectors are together responsible for 38% of worldwide energy consumption & nearly 42% of carbon doxide ( CO2) emissions.” “Its prominent focus were to minimize the consumption of electricity by 18%, water consumption by 18 %, CO2 emissions by 20%, & waste by as much as 50 %.”. The launch of the Al Safat rating system minimize the energy-consumption and boosted the usage of renewable-energy and Natural friendly materials.
Al Safat system boost building safety and integration of technology with a green building system in minimizing carbon footprint. The development of this strategy-promotes architects and developers to construct each building benefiting a greener economy in the future.
You will also submit the Declaration with the Documents to the authority & get it signed & verified as a final approval in Dubai, UAE. All process focuses on Greener Planning, Resource-conservation: water & energy, & effective disposal of wastes.
Focus Areas of Green Buildings in Dubai:
1. Energy-optimization
2. Active Design (Energy, water, etc.)
3. Passive-design (Envelope, shading, etc.))
4. Construction compliance
5. Truly performing Buildings. (www.trakhees.ae)
“1. Ecology & planning
2. Building vitality
3. Recourses-effectiveness: Energy
4. Recourses-effectiveness: Water
5. Recourseseffectiveness: Materials and Waste” (www.dm.gov.ae)
There are specific regulations under every aspect of the design, building, and development, from parking access to recycling and waste management.
· Healthy benefits.
· Energy Conservation.
· Lower Construction Costs.
· Eco-friendly.
· Less Operational Costs.
These sustainable buildings are optimized to balance the energy consumption, Green House Gas emission, and even operational costs from design to disposal. We, at Envrirolink, provide the best suitable design concepts to support Green Building System with our high excellent architects. Envrirolink have the best solution to construct the environmental friendly building and Support to obtain AL Safat Certification Consultancy in Dubai.
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